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FY15 Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.  -- Walt Disney


Carl Perkins FY15 Supplemental Grant Requirement Documents are now available for all eligible recipients at the link below:

FY15 Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants Website


Below you will find a short description of the available grants for the coming fiscal year.

Moving from Programs of Study to Rigorous Programs of Study 
The Moving from Programs of Study to Rigorous Programs of Study grant is intended to support local schools/consortiums in improving the quality of career and technical education instruction provided to secondary and post-secondary students. The grant promotes and improves local development and implementation of Rigorous Programs of Study. It also assesses the impact of student participation in career and technical education programs of study that link secondary and post-secondary education, combining academic and career and technical education in a structured sequence of courses, offering students opportunities to earn post-secondary credits for courses taken in high school and leading to post-secondary credentials, certificates or degrees as outlined in the Rigorous Programs of Study Design Framework.

High Growth and Emerging Technologies
The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education supports the development and implementation of high-tech, high-wage Career Academies, Career Majors or relevant activities that support and align with local, state, and national industry existing and emerging workforce needs.  The Career Academies, Career Majors or relevant activities should embrace rigorous academic and technical learning activities.

Summer Academic Enhancement Program
Oklahoma Career and Technology Education supports school improvement initiatives aimed at the development and implementation of Summer Academic Enhancement Programs to help students in grades 7-11 who need additional instruction to succeed in high school.

Oklahoma Career and Technology Education supports the implementation of Tech-Now classes for students with varying types of disabilities to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).  Tech-Now, Inc. is an organization whose purpose is to implement statewide High School/High Tech (HS/HT) programs.

Career Guidance and Advisement
Oklahoma Career and Technology Education supports Guidance and counseling programs that offer students strategies to clearly define career pathways for opportunities to prepare them for high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand occupations.  For students to successfully progress through the educational system to succeed in the workforce, more intensive guidance and counseling services are needed to help students improve their career and post-secondary readiness rate.  A guidance and counseling program should be comprehensive and developmental in design.  A comprehensive guidance and counseling program is delivered systematically and facilitates student academic development, career development and personal/social development.

As always please feel free to contact us with any questions!


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