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Starting the FY20 Carl Perkins Application processes:

This information has previously been emailed to all current Oklahoma Carl Perkins recipients

FY20 Carl Perkins Basic Grant

Oklahoma's FY20 Carl Perkins Applications for funding are now open.  Deadline for application submission is May 10, 2019.


Please use the link below to access the CTIMS grant module where you will complete and submit your application to ODCTE.
When accessing and submitting your application make sure you are using Internet Explorer Version 11 or later. 
The CTIMS system will only show one of the initiatives below based on where you applied for funding in previous years.  IF you have are planning to make or have made a qualified change in how your school plans to apply for funding in FY20, contact your area Perkins coordinator so that they can make the change in CTIMS to the correct initiative. 

An Example would be - in FY19 you chose/qualified to apply as a stand-alone recipient, but this year you are participating as the fiscal agent in a consortium of schools, your grant project changes from Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 421 to Carl Perkins High School Secondary 423.

Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 421
  •  Select this initiative if you are a secondary school district with an allocation of  $15,000 or more, or if the amount of the allocation is less than $15,000 and followed by an asterisk, on your allocation and options form.

Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 423
  • Select this initiative if you are a secondary school district who is the fiscal agent of a consortium of Perkins recipients whose total allocation combines to $15,000 or more.

Carl Perkins Tech Center Secondary - 421
  • Select this initiative if you are a Technology Center who will use their Perkins allocation as a stand-alone entity.

Carl Perkins Tech Center Secondary - 423
  • Select this initiative if you are a Technology Center who is the fiscal agent of a consortium of Perkins recipients.

Carl Perkins Post-Secondary - 422
  • Select this initiative if you provide Post-Secondary CTE Education, received a Post-secondary Allocation and Options form and are the fiscal agent of a post-secondary consortium or your organization meets the minimum allocation amount ($50,000.00) and plans to use the Perkins allocation as a stand-alone entity.

Your FY20 Allocation and Options notice for the secondary recipients of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 will be mailed to your organization during the week of March 11, 2019.  Allocations and Options Notices for secondary recipients are due to ODCTE by April 5, 2019.
Due to a delay in receiving the official notification of total funding your FY20 Allocation and Options notice for secondary recipients will now be mailed to your organization during the week of March 25, 2019. The completed notices are due back to ODCTE by April 19, 2019.

Note to Post-secondary applicants:  There is currently a delay in processing the FY20 Post-secondary Allocation and Options Notices.  Those notices should be out no later than April 1, 2019.  However you may begin your application and you may use your FY19 allocation as a guide in developing your FY20 budget.

If you or your staff are new to using CTIMS for the FY20 Carl Perkins application, please send an email to one of our staff at the addresses below with the first and last name(s), email address(es), and the role(s) the person will hold (local coordinator, local finance, local superintendent/president) so the account(s) can be set up in time to meet the required due date of May 10, 2019.

Additional information on the grants, time and effort forms, expenditure guidance, CTIMS guidance, and other resources may be found at:

FY20 Carl Perkins Local Application for Funding Workshops:

With the passage of Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, come several changes to the grant application process.  The Federal Legislation staff is hosting several one-day workshops to provide an overview of the new law along with a section-by-section analysis of the transitional 2020 grant Worksheet application and how to complete it.  Attendees will also learn about requirements being implemented beginning with the 2021 fiscal year.

Registration is $25.00 per person and includes lunch and refreshments (can use Perkins funds to cover registration).  Registration will be open at 8:30 a.m. with the workshops beginning at 9:00 a.m. and concluding by 4:00 p.m. each day. We encourage you to bring your computers to work on your application during the meeting.

Event seating is limited and you are encouraged to register early to ensure you attend the workshop of your choice. 

Tulsa Tech Owasso – March 27   Red-bud Room

ODCTE – March 29 - Tuttle Seminar Center

ODCTE – April 2 – Tuttle Seminar Center

Canadian Valley El Reno – April 3 – Seminar C

Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants Now Available:

Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants are federally funded grants focused on the development of innovative best practices and the advancement of those practices in CTE education.

The Supplemental Grant initiatives have a separate application process from the local application for secondary funding. There is no limit to the number of supplemental applications an organization can submit. Each supplemental grant initiative has defined submission criteria and are awarded on a competitive basis.

Submitting a supplemental grant application does not guarantee selection and approval of the project: 

To apply for the Carl Perkins supplemental grant initiatives below you must be eligible to use your Carl Perkins Secondary or Post-Secondary Allocation as a stand-alone entity. 

Carl Perkins Supplemental – Career Pathway and Industry Partnerships - 424

Make sure to select the correct initiative and year of funding when completing the application in the CTIMS system.

For questions and technical assistance, please contact our office: 


New FY19 Carl Perkins Competitive Supplemental Grant

Career Pathways and Industry Partnerships Carl Perkins Supplemental Grant:

The Oklahoma State Department of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE) has developed a new Carl Perkins Supplemental grant for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.  The Career Pathways and Industry Partnerships grant's focus will be to continue ODCTE's ongoing effort to support the development of new and the enhancement of existing Career Pathways in high skill, high demand, or high wage occupations.

Eligible recipients who wish to work towards the development of new or the enhancement of existing Career Pathways and corresponding Programs of Study that support local, state and global industries in meeting workforce need should follow the link provided below and download the grant requirements document from our Carl Perkins Supplemental grants resource page.

Link to ODCTE Carl Perkins Supplemental Grant Resource site:

All applications will need to be submitted into the Federal Legislation grant management portion of the CTIMS system by Nov. 2, 2018 to be considered for this grant award year. 

The grant will open within CTIMS for submission on Oct. 15, 2018.

As always if you have any questions please email or call!



The Race is On! FY19 Carl Perkins Applications are Open

Oklahoma's FY19 Carl Perkins Applications for funding are now open.  

Please use the link below to access the CTIMS grant module were you will complete and submit your application to ODCTE.

Program Initiative Labels and what they mean:

This year is the first year that both the Carl Perkins Application for Funding and the Carl Perkins Supplemental grant initiatives are opening on the same day.  To help everyone with which initiative to select we have provided the information below:

Carl Perkins Application for Funding:

The CTIMS system will only show one of the initiatives below based on where you applied for funding in Previous years.  IF you have made a qualified change in how your school plans to apply for funding in FY19 you will need to contact us so that we can make the change in CTIMS to the correct initiative.  

Example would be - in FY18 you chose/qualified to apply as a stand alone recipient, this year you have chosen/been required to create a consortium of schools, this would change where this school would need to apply from Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 421 to Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 423

Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 421
  •  Select this initiative if you are a high school with an allocation of  $15,000 or more; or if the amount of the allocation is less than $15,000 and followed by an asterisk, on your allocation and options form.

Carl Perkins High School Secondary - 423
  • Select this initiative if you are a high school who is the fiscal agent of a consortium of Perkins recipients who's total allocation combines to $15,000 or more.
Carl Perkins Tech Center Secondary - 421
  • Select this initiative if you are a Technology Center who will use their Perkins allocation as a stand alone entity.
Carl Perkins Tech Center Secondary - 423
  • Select this initiative if you are a Technology Center who is the fiscal agent of a consortium of Perkins recipients.
Carl Perkins Post-Secondary - 422
  • Select this initiative if you provide Post-Secondary CTE Education and have received a Pink Allocation and Options form from the state.

Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants:

Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants are Perkins funded grants focused on the development of innovative best practices  in the categories below. 


 Each application has submission criteria and are awarded on a competitive basis, submitting an application does not guarantee selection and approval of the project:  To apply for a Carl Perkins supplemental grant you must be eligible to use your Carl Perkins Allocation, provided in the Allocation and Options form mailed to the Superintendents office, as a stand-alone entity.  You can click on each initiative to access the requirements of application.

Carl Perkins Supplemental - Career Development - 424
Carl Perkins Supplemental - Disability Services - 424
Carl Perkins Supplemental - High Growth and Emerging Technologies - 424
Carl Perkins Supplemental - Nontraditional - 424

Be sure to select the correct initiative for funding when completing the application, if you have question on what your initiative should be please email your Carl Perkins area representative and we will be happy to provide the initiative name that pertains to your application.

Professional Development and Application Completion Training:

ODCTE will be providing several training dates, some are still open to register; the information previously sent out by email is copied below:

Registration Link
Carl Perkins Federal Requirements:
·         Allowable/Non-Allowable Expenditures
·         New Monitoring Process
·         Indirect/Direct Costs
·         Times and Effort Documentation
·         Equipment Inventory
·         Program of Study

March 5
9:00 - Noon
Tulsa Tech, Riverside Campus
Building A, Room A150
Please note location change from February date
March 13
9:00 - Noon
Francis Tuttle Rockwell Campus
Northwest Hall, D1750(Purple Room)
Please note location change from February date
Writing the Carl Perkins Grant Application
·         Key application questions will be reviewed with discussion as to the type of information to include in your response
·         Carl Perkins staff will be at the training to address the local application criteria
·         Participants are encouraged to bring computers to work on their application during the meeting
March 7
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Canadian Valley, El Reno Campus
$20 registration
March 12
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Oklahoma Department of CareerTech (ODCTE)
Tuttle Conference Room
$20 registration
March 14
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Tulsa Tech, Broken Arrow Campus
$20 registration
March 26
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Oklahoma Department of CareerTech (ODCTE)
Tuttle Conference Room
$20 registration
New Event

As always if you need any assistance we are here to help --cp