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FY14 Carl Perkins Allocations have been checked and balanced now posted for your use!

It is amazing how time flies in a given school year, it seems like yesterday the Federal Legislation Assistance (FLA) staff were running audit checks for FY13 allocations!

As the FY13 fiscal year comes to a close it always seems as there are not enough minds, hands, or time to accomplish all that needs to be done.  Some how through all the road blocks and difficulties Oklahoma gets it done, and we are proud of all the work each of you do in your schools helping to mold the minds of the next generation year in and year out.

Now on with the show!

FY14 Carl Perkins Allocations have been mailed to each eligible recipient school superintendent.  These notifications are due back to the Federal Legislation Assistance Division by June 14 2013.

If you have not received your allocation notice in the mail you may go to our website linked below, where there are blank allocation and options forms that you can fill out from the allocation listings above.


As you know since the Carl Perkins allocation formula is based off your districts census data, student enrollment, and Pell/BIA data (post-secondary) school allocations can vary from year to year.  If you have a question concerning why your allocation changed please feel free to give the FLA Division a call and we will be glad to discuss the formula data the resulted in your schools specific allocation.

If you are a fiscal agent of a consortium or cooperative, please collect your member school's allocation and options notifications and mail us your original signed notification and copies of the member school notifications.  If you are eligible to stand alone (15,000 base allocation for secondary, 50,000 base allocation for post secondary recipients) please mail your original signed copy to the FLA Division at the address below:

Federal Legislation Assistance Division
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
1500 W. Seventh Avenue
Stillwater, OK 74074-4364

All stand alone recipients have had their allocation entered into the Impact claims processing website. Local Perkins coordinators will now be able to complete section six of the Carl Perkins application by starting a new Impact grant and setting up their detailed budget for approval.

All consortium or cooperative recipient fiscal agents have had their budgets set using only the fiscal agents allocation, once we receive all participating member allocation and options forms back we will increase the cooperative/consortium allocation to include all member allocation amounts.  This will allow the fiscal agents to start a new grant in the Impact system, add descriptions for your line items, while the fiscal agent school gathers the member participants notifications to send to the FLA office.  Through questions from consortium/cooperative fiscal agents about these allocations, the best practice on developing your grant budget while you wait for the allocation to increase is to establish your line items and place a nominal amount in the unit cost field until the time when your allocation is established.  We understand that this is an inconvenience, however each eligible recipient has the right to withdraw from a consortium or cooperative at this time each year, so we can not establish consortium/cooperative budgets until the allocation notifications have been returned.

As always if there is anything we can do to assist please let us know!


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